This week has been fun...calling family members and close friends to tell them our news. There are still a couple of people we want to get a hold of this week.
By the way, it *is* still a secret! So keep waiting. It's so fun to tell people. Thank you privilleged family and friends for keeping so silent, so that we get to do most of the telling.
The week after next, on Tuesday, I plan to tell my students. I can't wait. It has been so hard to keep quiet about something so profound and exciting. It just seems like people should know that there is another human inside of me. Another heart beating. I have four kidneys, an extra set of hands, feet, fingers, toes...growing inside of my body. It's so strange.
Even before I became pregnant, I used to think about the 'weirdness' of it all. I tried to imagine what it would be like, to know that a person, an adult someday, is being formed inside of you. And it *is* strange...more than just physically. The heavy responsibilty, the unimaginable joy, the vulnerability, the potential for hurt, the thought of the future, even the far distant future, ...all of life is changed.
We've been listening to people tell us for three years about how 'selfish' everyone is before they have children. How they all finally realized that life is not about just themselves when they became parents.
I know this is true.
I also don't like being called selfish. Despite the truth and the good intent, it always seems rather insulting.
Finally, we've acheived the 'non-selfish' parent status (though my instinct tells me that most of the life-changing lessons occur *after* the baby is born...giving up sleep, alone time, free time, money, control,...).
So, everyone may now stop refering to us as 'selfish DINKs' (Double Income - No Kids).
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