Friday, October 28, 2005

*he looks like her, she looks like me... baby, soon to see*

Okay, so just hearing the heartbeat has made me a bit more anxious for next May. If you know me, you understand that I hate waiting for things. If there is some way that I can hurry things up, I try.

"What, did you say you wanted your birthday present now? Perfect, I have it right here - now open it!"

"Huh, you say Christmas isn't for a few more weeks? No matter - let's just open our presents and celebrate now!"

I know that I need to learn to be more patient with things. After all, certain things are worth waiting a long time. Ang and I dated four years before we were married and she has been the most amazing thing that could ever happen to me - that is why I am cherishing every minute that Ang and I get to exist together before our lives change in a BIG way. That is seven total years that we were together when conception occurred.

Seven never seemed more perfect to me.

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