Wednesday, October 05, 2005

my sweet husband made dinner...

Last night, I came home after teaching for almost twelve hours. I was exhausted and beyond hungry.

Lately, I get hungry fast. And if I don't eat right away, I feel sick...and nothing sounds good. At that point, it's difficult to settle my stomach.

As I opened the front door, I could smell food cooking. Though the spicy smell didn't exactly thrill me, it was food. And it was ready to eat.

Sausage, onions, red & green peppers with thick, whole-wheat pasta shells.
I ate some. It was difficult.
I regreted it...all night.

Later, on "That 70's Show" someone was eating pancakes. mmmmm.
I still want pancakes.

Thank you, Baby for making dinner. I'm sorry I'm so picky lately.

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