Monday, October 10, 2005

a frightening experience in the middle of nowhere...

Yesterday, Ryan and I-with our friends, Rob & Kim, were enjoying our last morning at the cabin. Ryan ran to the store to get some anti-freeze for the pipes while Kim and I made breakfast.
While I looked at the eggs in the pan in front of me, I realized that I hadn't taken a deep breath in a while...and I felt a little dizzy. I tried to breathe more deeply, but my strange feeling didn't go away. When I went to sit out on the get out of the smokey cabin, I felt a little better, so I returned to my eggs...(which had almost burned). And again, I almost fell over. I made it to the back door and just slid down to the ground just inside the door. Ryan came home, confused about why I was behind the door...and helped me out onto the porch again.
He kept asking me to explain myself...I couldn't. I just told him that I couldn't see and I couldn't hear. My ears felt like they were plugged and my vision started narrowing and seeming far away. I assumed he understood that I felt dizzy and faint, so I also told him I could throw up. He kept asking me to walk over to the woods to throw up. I tried to tell him that I couldn't walk and I was falling backwards. Then, I was finally safe. Asleep in my own bed at home. I was warm...dreaming about something pleasant. I must have slept for hours...maybe a day. It was really nice. Until Ryan started yelling at me and trying to make me get of the ground? the cabin?.... over by the car? How did I get here? Why were my clothes all dirty? and wet?
I was so confused and scared. I didn't know how I had gotten to the car? Had I fallen? I suddenly remembered that I was pregnant...and how I had been feeling. Ryan's fear and my own...just made me cry.
Apparently my eyes had been open the whole time he carried me to the car...he thought I was awake...until I went limp and wouldn't respond to him. Then he thought I was dead.

The whole thing only lasted about a minute, but since I've never passed out before (except for one time-in Jr. High when I intelligently held my breath in the girls' locker room after P.E.) we decided to drive to the hospital...the only one within an hour's the Sault. I'm so glad that Rob and Kim were with us. Rob stayed at the cabin...with the fire..and the cooking eggs, sausage, and toast. And Kim came with us. She ran and got me clean clothes and helped me to be calm. She told me some of her similar pregnancy experiences. I think it made Ryan feel better too...knowing that it could be a 'normal' thing.

At the hospital, they put stickers all over me and plugged them into machines that monitored my heart. The cold familiar feeling of an I.V. in my arm reminded me of being little and made me wish my mom wasn't *so* far away.

Everything seemed to be fine. My blood tests, my blood pressure, my heart rate. The doctor thinks that maybe I hyper-ventillated? or that it was just one of those weird things about being pregnant. He was concerned though and wanted me to talk to my doctor when I got back home.
I'm going to call Dr. Karnes office today. I hope I can go in to hear the baby's heart beat or something. I know that *I'm* okay, I just want to know that our baby is okay too.


Kim said...

I have been thinking about you and praying for you today, hoping everything is OK also. We had a wonderful time with you guys at the cabin and Rob is definately glad he was there to eat the eggs and sausage for us. Hang in there, and don't make this a normal thing =) Love you, Kim

Rachel Beach said...

I hope you're okay??! I'll be praying for you Miss Ang.

Ang said...

Thanks Kim,
It was a super fun trip...thanks for making it so memorable. and for helping to take care of me.

Thank you so much for your sweet email and comments. Was it mandy??
it had to be. No one else knew. She is in SOO much trouble!
Yes...I think I'm fine. The more I talk to people I know that have been pregnant..the more common fainting spells seem to be. And fortunately, it is usually a one time thing. So hopefully, I won't go limp in front of my little students one of these days. It might just scare them a bit :)
Love you & miss you,