Monday, September 19, 2005

I have two human hearts inside of my body!

Only a couple of hours ago, we watched, amazed, as our baby's heart rhythmically pumped in front of us on the screen.
Sorry Daniel, we only see one baby :)

Apparently the bottom of that blurry white spot is the head. ??
I would have thought it was the other way around, but I'll trust the professional.

We heard the heart beat too. Loud and fast and strong. It is beyond comprehension to know that there is a person with a beating heart inside of me. The pregnancy feels more real now. Safer. Before the appointment today, I had this silent fear that nothing would show up on the screen. That the technician would think I was crazy..."you're not pregnant. Why are you here?"

The baby is younger than the doctor thought. Only six and a half weeks. (Though she said there is a two-week margin of error)
That means that May 9th is the due date! (Happy Birthday, Mandy!)

Though the confirmation and the reality of actually seeing what has been so hard to really believe was reassuring, now knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a fragile, tiny being inside of me, (less than half of an inch) makes me even more nervous. Seeing the amazingly small, but complex heart made me feel so protective. How can I ever keep something so tiny and fragile safe??

Here's a better picture of a baby in the seventh week, though it's not *our*'s a little easier to see.


Anonymous said...

Your baby is much cuter! It's amazing to finally see her/him. A little sad that we have to wait a few more weeks than earlier thought to actually hold our first grandchild. But don't believe the predicted dates - babys have a history of being born exactly when they decide to, regardless of what date the doctors and technicians predict. Love you three.

Andrea Wagenmaker said...

Ang & Ryan-
Wow - that picture is amazing and makes your experience seem so much more real to me. It is so exciting to think I am going to have a new neice or nephew this spring! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
We love you.

Kim said...

I could hardly sleep last night because I was so excited about your news! I couldn't wait until today to read your blog and see your thoughts and feelings about your pregnancy. I wasn't disappointed. It was as loving and caring and thoughtful as I expected. You are already being such a good mom to that inch long baby by taking care of yourself so perfectly. I really can't think of anyone who would make a better mom than you, except Andrea, of course! I can't wait to be at the cabin with you guys so we can talk more about your baby. Thank you guys for letting us see you new blog...even though I didn't get it at first. I hope you and Ryan know how much we love you and how thankful we are that God has blessed us with your friendship. I don't know what we would do without you!