Sunday, May 09, 2010

sweet surprises

Yesterday, the girls went with their Nana and Papa to a greenhouse to get some flowers for me. When they returned, Maya kept saying (with a sneaky grin), "There's NOTHIN' for you! I'm NOT gonna say ANYTHING!" And Sophie told me several times, "I got peasant fo' you. It's a suppise!"
They each chose a different potted plant for me. Maya chose a few little white flowers, for herself, she said. Though this morning, she decided to give those to me too.

Today, Ryan made Yorkshire Pudding for breakfast, then took the girls shopping for me.
We feasted at my parents house, celebrating Mothers, Grandmothers, and Maya, Emma, and my Dad's birthdays.
Ryan took his mom out for a shopping date while Maya and I began to clean out my old dollhouse (just retrieved from my parents 'attic'.)

Ryan tried hard to keep the girls quiet this morning so I could sleep in a little, but they were having a rough time and just wanted their Momma. I felt so lucky to run up the steps to hold two snuggly, warm, sleepy girls who immediately wrapped their arms around me and buried their heads in my shoulders.

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