Tuesday, March 11, 2008

36 weeks


Amy Sutherland said...

You look great Ang and are still holding on!!....sounds like last weeks contractions were just a warning! :) I will be thinking of you in the next couple of weeks and anxiously awaiting the news!!
Hang in there! So happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Getting close!!
Getting excited!!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you a lot lately Ang. I know how long those last few weeks can feel. I know you're soaking every last bit of alone time with Maya, yet so excited to meet this precious little one you've been feeling for so long. It's amazing that so soon so won't be able to remember what it was like without him/her. I can't wait to hear the great news. We'll be praying that everything goes well these next few weeks! I love you!