Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A picture of the promised.

But you've already seen this one.

The ultrasound technician was so busy taking her measurements and trying to tell us the gender...we didn't get any new pictures to bring home. She couldn't take any pictures of the baby's face...or even take measurements of the baby's head because it is already so far down. Which explains my immense discomfort..there's a little skull prying my hips apart!

And as for any new revelations or confirmations of baby's gender...

...we found out that our baby is...

Very modest. And very stubborn.

(This picture is not Baby Corbin...I just found it in google images. But this is the position in which our baby stayed for the entire ultrasound. And I stayed on that table for a long time...poking and prying and begging Sophie or Ian to move.)

So besides being a little upset when the Ultrasound Tech gave up and kicked us out :)
...I was very happy to know that our baby seems to be a very healthy four pound person with a strong beating heart and plenty of fluid to swim around in.


allison said...

Well, it was a worth a shot :) i'm sorry you didn't get all the info you were looking for, but healthy is the best news. so, what now for baby's room? love you ang. will we meet sophie or ian at this summer's wedding??

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that you guys are having another child. So fun! Will you get another shot at the gender or is it a suprise now?

Jody said...

Funny. Even babies have a way of 'controling things' at such a young age. I'm glad you're both healthy. We're looking forward to my first appointment in which I hope the doctor finds only ONE heartbeat. =) Boy or girl. =) I'm getting more excited for you and your growing family each week!