Wednesday, April 02, 2008

It was pretty much love at first sight...

...even though the 11-minute-old Sophia was still pretty slimy.

But the next morning, Maya came bounding in with her wild pig tails, smiling broadly "where's So-phi-a? Where's 'dat baby?" Then she stretched out her arms and said, "Sister. Hode her."

I didn't really cry much at all at for the first couple of days. But on the car ride home, everything started to hit me... fear, unbelievable happiness, inadequacy, heartbreaking love, overwhelming worry, exhaustion, fear....
So the night we all came home from the hospital, I was feeling pretty weepy. We were having our first 'story time' all together in Maya's room before bed. And Maya got to hold her. She very sweetly started talking to her in a soft voice..

"Sophia. Baby sister. Aww. (and pointing carefully) Tiny toes. Tiny hands. Eyes. Nose. Little mouth. Sophie." (gentle kiss)

I cried some more.


Unknown said...

Ange, this is so precious. It's as though Maya has written her first poem--it's simply beautiful--almost like haiku. What wonderful girls; good gene pool!
Love, Aunt Jen

Kate Rudd said...

oh. great. I'm crying in my macaroni and cheese. That's what I get for checking their blog during dinner.

They're so beautiful - so loved.

Anonymous said...

When I first brought my two little girls home, we all had lots of different emotions, but things smoothed out very quickly and it was as if we were always together. Even now, it's hard to imagine 'us' with out our second girl.

Erica said...

Precious! Ang, you are such a wonderful mother. Congratulations on the birth of Sophia. I love you!

Lynn Rudd said...

We can't wait to see you! Thanks for all the pictures; we love to see them!

allison said...

how moving to already catch of glimpse of what a special relationship those sisters will have- and how much joy that will bring their mom :)

Suz said...

Angela, Even through the tears of joy and uncertainty, you are an incredible mom...person. Enjoy those sweet babies every single minute. If you need some sleep, call me. I love you sweetie.

jewell said...

Congratulations to all of you! She is beautiful! Morgan thinks she looks like Ryan. I am still crying and my babies are 16,15, and 12 :):)

lauren said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations!