Wednesday, September 02, 2009

"Momma, Sophie is pee-pee-ing!"

It's true.

The two girls were sitting on the potties together in our red bathroom, Maya on the big potty and Sophie on the small one. Sophie loves to sit on the potty like her big sister. She often tells me when she wants to use the 'pot-pot' or if she's busy with 'poo-poo'. Usually when I let her sit, she still has all her clothes on just isn't usually worth all the trouble. But this time I let her try it, no diaper. I was just outside the door clearing the dishes from lunch...when Maya yelled...

"Momma! Sophie is pee-pee-ing!!!"

After lots of smiles, cheers, applause, we made a few phone calls.... Daddy. Two grandmas.

Sophie is pretty proud of herself. She knows this is big.


Liz said...

Yay! High five to Sophie!!!!

Kate Rudd said...

BIG smiles to Sophie! :) (and big sister for announcing her success..)

Anonymous said...

I knew she was a prodigy!