Monday, February 16, 2009

I've been posting less here...

...though my life is abounding with stories to tell about my children. It's just that I'm...


Each day seems to be a chaotic, loud, exhausting, hilarious, fun, draining, ever-surprising, blur of confusion that seems to climax around dinner time. As the post-nap-time hunger rises, the house-hold volume increases with either whining, defiance, or absurd silliness.

Sometimes, dinner is incredibly peaceful, and fun, filled with stories from our day, stories from the Bible, cute antics, and kind words.
But sometimes it's less 'magical.'

Either way, once our meal is over, we just plow ahead towards bed-time as fast as we possibly can...trying to... clean up the kitchen, keep Sophie from climbing the stairs or eating everything in sight, play just a little bit more, change a diaper of a less-than-willing adorable monster, do pajamas, potty-time, milk, stories, and countless urgent requests from Maya-who-is-supposed-to-be-in-bed.

Then, Ryan and I usually collapse and look at each other with bewildered expressions, silently communicating our memories of quieter days.

Then, I reluctantly peel myself off the couch or the bed, put on my slippers and practice my violin in the basement. Though I have to do a lot of internal convincing to actually do this instead of going to bed, once I start, I really can't stop.

We'd never actually wish away these moments. We love them. Really.
We're just tired.

(sorry for the double post on both blogs. I thought I'd actually do both, but then....I was just too tired.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honey, don't put so much on yourself--you remind me of stories grandma Corbin tells about herself as a young mom. She had four babies in five years and would polish their shoes and wash their laces when she put them down for naps! That is until she realized she'd end up in a straight jacket before she had all of them out of diapers. I can come over on a Friday and play with the girls so you can practice--just let me know.