Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I guess crawling is getting boring.

So...Sophie decided today to stand up. She was crawling towards her walker (which I just brought upstairs from the basement hours earlier) and I was across the room helping Maya get dressed, when I looked up... just in time to watch Sophie grab the top of her walker and pull herself up. She was so proud of her new ability. She even stood there...holding on with just one hand...(while chewing on a toy she held in the other hand) long enough for me to grab the camera and capture the moment on film. However, I don't usually post topless photos here (she was only wearing her diaper) you'll have to just enjoy the re-enacted photo version that happened later (when she was fully clothed).

...She's been happily growling a lot today too...I'm a little afraid of her strength.

She DID roll over on day 4.


Unknown said...

Ange, keep in mind her father was up on all fours within minutes of birth--oh, the adventures that await you all!

mommaglo said...

She was standing for me on Tuesday also!! And remember that her Granny Glo and cousin Emma both walked at 8 months!! :-)

Daniel Rudd said...

she's wonderful
and so is her mom.