Sophie is trying so hard to crawl. She loves to be on all fours (hands and toes, usually). Her best displays of strength and balance are in the perfect yoga "down dog" poses she frequently demonstrates. I haven't captured it on camera yet.
She likes to be up on her knees too, and often thrusts herself forward into a face plant...Rolling is still a far more effective mode of travel for her these days.
She's also gotten rather noisy. Her little voice is getting stronger and her vocabulary of sounds is growing too. Most often, she says, "Brrrrrrrrrr" her favorite raspberry blowing sound. But her discovery of consonant and vowel combinations is so fun to hear now "Bah-BAH-BA-BUH!" The one that melts my heart, though....is "MA-mmmuh-muh-MA."
The photos I've posted here don't reveal some of the most recent changes I've noticed in six-month Sophie. Food has started to bring out a more 'assertive Sophie' than I've seen before. She has this way of grunting/growling/screaming if the food isn't appetizing enough or dispensed fast enough. It's a different kind of sound than her crying/whining. It demands full attention. She uses her enormous eyes, opening them even wider to convey PANIC, URGENCY. Great. Displeasure.
We need to start working on "Please."
Sitting like a big girl....she's still pretty tipsy.
But she loves to stand and hold on to things.
Maya is really becoming a gracious, protective, loving, gentle (and sometimes bossy) big sister. Watching them love each other, and look at one another with such adoration and delight has to be one of the best gifts I've ever been given.
It reminds me of how Andy treated David!! Very precious--just the way we should all treat one another according to Jesus1 I love you!
Thanks for posting. =) I love looking at pictures of the girls. They are getting so big. Give them big hugs from us and tell them we love them so much. We love you too. Lets talk soon.
Fun pictures! The whole family stood around the computer entranced and delighted by the growth and antics of their northern cousins.
We love you!
I love every single one of these pictures!
I can't wait to play with her again. soon. :)
I love seeing the little red chair again. They grow up way too fast. Are you sure you are all done????
That last picture of her is adorable. Just stinkin' cute!
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