And starting to look older. Sometimes, those intense... blue Corbin-Harmson eyes just seem to have an uncanny awareness/wisdom behind them.
She's starting to respond to our voices with smiles so much more. Today, we played peek-a-boo, and she was mildly amused.
She seems to be in awe of Maya. Maybe a little frightened sometimes too :) But she loves when Maya gets close to her face and talks to her in her sweet big sister voice. "Hi Sophie. Hi Sophia. Hi baby. 'Wate' up? Sophie? Touch arm? Sophie? (G)dood job, Sophie! You did it!"
I love that they have each other.
She was a charmer this weekend. lIKE mOM
Your eyes look SO big and SO engaging, and...
Your kind words to your sister were *so* special that...
last night the two of you came straight from this post into my dream.
We had a LOT of fun together. It was a big adventure.
And even though it got scary and freaky for a while there, don't worry that's all about Uncle Andy's Strange and Complicated Unconscious World.
So thanks for visiting me! I can't wait to see you for real...
Sophie, I am coming to see you soon. I must. Because somehow you are getting older much faster than other babies. I can tell by the way you skipped weeks three, four, five, and six; and leapt straight to seven.
Please slow down until I have a chance to hold you again.
Love you...
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