On the morning of May 2nd, Ryan and I went upstairs to get our happy little 'Birthday Girl' out of bed. As we opened the door and started singing, we saw Maya already sitting up in bed, beaming at us. We felt like she had just been waiting there, happily, anxiously,...knowing what day it was. Expecting something wonderful. The smile lasted for most of the day.
The birthday breakfast...
A visit from Great Grandma Marge delivering some cream of tartar to help Maya bake her first cookies, "French Buttercream"...
A special present from Mommy and Daddy opened during Daddy's lunch break...
When Ryan came home from work, we discovered (after a long drive to Grand Rapids) that Frederick Meijer Gardens had already closed for the night...just minutes earlier than we had arrived. So instead of seeing 'The Butterflies' as planned, we took our first trip to the 'Build-a-Bear' store. After receiving her special 'Birthday sticker', Maya chose her bunny, 'helped' (watched) as she was stuffed with a tiny heart and lots of fluff, 'bathed' her in the giant bath tub, chose a dress for her, and named her "Massachusetts".
Not sure what kind of expense/time commitment/complicated activity/chaos at the mall we were getting ourselves into, we were pleasantly surprised to have a very nice evening, returning home from Grand Rapids early enough for a decent bed-time.
The celebration extended through Saturday (when I was so sick while shopping with Sophie for the party, that I threw up in the check-out line at Meijer and nearly passed out) as we prepared for Maya's Birthday Party the next day. Nana, Papa, Go-Go, and Bampa came over and helped so much on Saturday night (while I mostly laid miserably on the couch all day making requests for furniture to be moved, floors to be vacuumed, children to be bathed, and food to be made). By Sunday, I felt fine with even enough appetite to enjoy the burgers Ryan grilled and the wonderful salads made by family.
Besides Maya, the other 'guest of honor' at the party...
...was Elmo.
Aunt Marianne, the artist/baker, brought him...an exquisite (and delicious) cake that she carefully designed, baked, carved, and decorated.
She's really 2 now. She loves to announce, "I'm two!" as she holds up her hands...all ten fingers spread before you.
She's two and she loves her sister. She loves to color, to make 'lines' and 'circles.' She loves to 'read' and she loves the library. Today, her favorite books are Curious George, Madeline, Olivia, and Goldilocks. She uses the potty and wears 'big girl underpants' all day every day. She can tear apart a room in about 2 seconds. But she's also learning to 'clean up' a little too. She likes to act out her stories and expects everyone in sight to participate. She is VERY assertive at times, and she is learning to be gracefully articulate. She still loves Elmo and occasionally enjoys singing "Sunny day, sweepin' the clouds away" at the top of her lungs. If you are near her when a song comes to mind, she'll like it if you sing it with her. But if you are too timid or polite, she might just say, 'Sing it LOUD!'
Two is fun. It's also sometimes quite 'terrible.' But we love it anyway.
That last picture is just so precious. What a cutie you have. I should say 2 cuties! :)
Maya, you're really a big girl, and I love 'Massachusetts'. She's beautiful!
(Ang, that last picture is absolutely precious!)
Sweet mischievous entertainer - I love watching her grow! :) So much fun will be had this summer.
Wow- what a birthday celebration! Thanks for sharing all the great pictures! Its so neat to see your whole family enjoying each other and celebrating together! miss you Ang!
That last pictures totally captures how special she is. . . i love it!
what a party! you make having kids looks desirable :) eventually :) it must have been fun to plan such a special day, er weekend for her!
If there are two people's lives that I envy, it's you and Ryan's!! What a beautiful, wonderful life you have! you are so blessed!!! miss you guys and love you all... (:
Thanks for leaving your sweet words friends. it's so fun to do my archiving/journaling/ memory keeping in a 'community' (probably my most overused word of 2007-2008 ...but I still like it and all that it means)of so many loving, interesting, generous people that even comment back :)
You all know me well enough to know that I LOVE hearing from you.
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