Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I can save da day!

Maya was desperate to find her little dollhouse baby. She was certain she had brought it downstairs last night. She checked all the window sill...all over the living room, the kitchen. No dollhouse baby. "Momma can you look for her while I go potty? It's that little one, you know, the orange baby...the one from your dollhouse. Will you look for her?? I can't find her ANYwhere!"

Sophie: (still at the table, finishing her breakfast) Maya, I can help you. I can save da day!

Maya: Oh, Sophie. (shaking her head)

Sophie: (earnest and persistent) I can! I can help you. I'll save da day!!

Maya: (very condescendingly with some frustration) Sophie, you CAN't save the day! It's not like...we're super! It's not like we're superheros or anything!