Settling into our slow schedule (just before it ends). Baking too much. Playing a lot. Folding laundry. And remarkably, having a somewhat clean least today.
Yesterday we celebrated summer with Grandma Go-Go, shopping in downtown Grand Haven, though...not actually buying anything. My mom and I agreed about how much we both love beautiful paper, still refraining from making any purchases. Maybe we were feeling bad about eating such an expensive lunch on the open porch of the Kirby Grill.
After said lunch, we all walked down to Chinook Pier to catch the trolley. Breathing-in the delightful wind that blew through the huge open windows of the trolley, Sophie, fluttered her eyes happily. She loved this. The homemade cookie-dough ice cream probably added to the magic of the ride. Since it was long after the usually nap time, I was certain that they'd both fall asleep on the ride home. Instead, they both giggled and teased each other in the back seat, and as we pulled back into our driveway, Maya reminded us all with a panicky voice...that we had forgotten the promised (bribe) carousel ride! So..since she had been a kind sister, and a very contended, not-whiny child on our adventure, we turned around and drove to the Cinema as promised. She rode an orange horse named 'Mo' and I rode the brown 'Molly' beside her. Sophie cowered in Go-Go's arms on the little sleigh behind us. It is a really fast carousel ride. I always forget how wonderfully dizzying it is.
Soon, the dizzying grad school/teaching schedule will probably tighten my breathing again, but for now, we're still enjoying this laziness.
I'm starting to smell the fresh bread that's rising....