Maya will be eight weeks old next Tuesday. It is frightening how quickly she is changing and growing. Sometimes I feel a bit frantic...wanting to soak in every moment of her existence- not taking this time for granted. I'm beginning to realize how short it is.
She has quite a personality already. She has started to smile and respond to us so much. Sometimes her smiles even break into laughter. When she is happy, her little voice is the sweetest, most soothing sound. Her favorite toy right now is her Baby Einstein 'gym.' (It's really the only thing she can actually *play* with.) She loves to reach out and swat at the dangling toys and watch them swing above her head. She talks to and squeals at her little friend, the lady bug that hangs from the gym, for hours a day.
When she's on her belly, she pushes her head up with her arms to see what's going on. She even tries to stand whenever there is a hard surface under her feet.
But my favorite new development is Maya's maturity in the area of SLEEP. Since week five, she has been consistently sleeping for six to seven hours almost every night...waking just to eat...then going back down to sleep for two or three more hours! It feels like heaven. I never thought it would be so decadent to wake up at six in the morning. I've heard that she might eventually sleep for twelve hours at night! I don't think I would know what to do with so much sleep all at once. Well..actually I'm pretty sure I could handle it.
The sleep deprivation is really messing with my brain.
Last night, I woke up and realized that I had fallen asleep feeding Maya in bed. (Which is impossible because I never feed Maya in bed.) But she was right on the edge of my bed...and she was also a bit 'squishy'....(sortof like a pillow). I tried not to panic. Instead, I carefully lifted 'her' in my arms...and carried 'her' to her room. I was about to lay 'her' down in her crib when....
It was very creepy.
Annoyed with my bizarre sleep walking habits, I went back to bed. But as soon as I started to fall back asleep, Maya let out a painful scream. I jumped out of bed and ran to her room again...but she was still sleeping peacefully.
I got back into bed mumbling to Ryan about how terribly confused and frustrated I was.
I still don't know what actually happened and what I dreamed.
I really need to get more sleep.
In fact, I should go do that right now. I've been wasting priceless hours of Maya's sleeping time! All because I felt guilty for not posting in a while!